'It\'s here! Your promised Stand Mixer Review! We go in to some depth here, testing these models of stand mixer for you. We are not being sponsored by any of the brands so you can bet your butt we\'ll be giving you impartial opinions so that you can make your own minds up. We\'ve never done anything like this before but if you like it please let us know and maybe we\'ll review some other kind of kitchen stuff (suggestions are welcome below!). ** This video was filmed before the Covid-19 crisis really kicked off. Rest assured we are all either self-isolating or staying 2 meters away from each other! Stay safe guys, wash your hands and practice social distancing like your life or the life of others depends on it...it kinda does ** In other news, please keep yourselves safe and active while you\'re at home self-isolating or on lockdown! Baking is great therapy! We all want to thank you for your support during this very strange and difficult time. We have been overwhelmed with your well-wishes, your orders for CCJ merch and baking equipment and our Cupcake Baking Kits. You can find everything on my website (http://cupcakejemma.com) and, for as long as we are able to, we will send out orders to you. Otherwise, don\'t forget that there are LOADS of baking videos on this channel to keep you entertained. Even if you aren\'t able to actually bake everything, you can store up your wish list for when everything returns to \'normal\'! Lots of love, Jemma and the gang xxx MERCH MERCH MERCH!: http://cupcakejemma.com SUBSCRIBE FOR WEEKLY VIDS: https://www.youtube.com/user/CupcakeJemma MORE CAKE: http://www.crumbsanddoilies.co.uk MY TWEETS: http://www.twitter.com/jemmawilson MY INSTAGRAM: @cupcakejemma CAKESTAGRAM: @crumbsanddoilies VISIT OUR SHOP - Crumbs & Doilies 1 Kingly Court London W1B 5PW'
Tags: Recipe , Lockdown , baking , How to make , chocolate , friends , Easy , home made , review , Covid-19 , simple , coronavirus , perfect , Cake , classic , cupcakes , cupcake , hand made , cakes , baker , BAKERY , bake , stay at home , SELF ISOLATION , artisan , vanilla , jemma , Stand mixer , buttercream , kitchen aid , kitchenaid , cupcake jemma , kenwood , jemma wilson , crumbs and doilies , gemma , k-mix , crumbs & doilies , stand mixer review , fool proof , aucma
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